MaMa~MuJaHiDaH~~My BrEaStFeEdInG mEMoRyZZZ

Saturday, 3 August 2013

scramble EGG for 10 months+

butter @ olive oil

Heat the olive oil in a small frying pan.
Whisk together the egg and milk, then stir in the cheese.
Pour the mixture into the pan and cook for several minutes, stirring constantly, until the egg is cooked through

The Goodness of Egg Yolks & Whole Eggs for your Baby
Of the mere 5 grams of fat in an egg yolk, only 1.5 grams (31%) are saturated fat. Monounsaturated fats total 1.9 grams (38%) and polyunsaturated0.68 grams (14%). The ratio of an egg’s fat content comes close to meeting the dietary proportions currently recommended as: -1/3 saturated, 1/3 monounsaturated and 1/3 polyunsaturated.

The egg yolk contains the following:

all of an egg’s vitamin A, D, and E;
almost all the vitamin B12, choline, folic acid and vitamin B3;
76% of the biotin,
73% of the inositol,
50% of the niacin,
93% of the vitamin B6,
42% of the riboflavin,
90% of the thiamin
44% of the protein
and substantial portions of the egg’s mineral content 

pumpkin pasta for baby

salam ramadhan yang ke-26

tak lama lagi hari raya !
yeaaaaaaa,,,mama still puasa hingga ke hari ni..takde ponteng2

biarpun puasa,kena jugak masak tuk anak awal pagi ye..hehehe

nak share resepi lagi...

nama resipi



  • 2 ulas bawang putih
  • butter
  • susu ibu @ formula
  • pumpkin puree
  • sweet potato puree
  • tepung atta
  • cream cheese
  • makaroni @ penne 


  • tumis bawng putih dalam butter
  • masukkan 2 sudu tepung atta dan kacau hingga sebati
  • masukkan susu,dan puree
  • masukkan cream cheese 
  • tuang atas makaroni yang dah direbus dan toskan
  • blend tuk baby,bagi begitu sahaja tuk toddler




simpan stok untuk 2 hari

mama tuang ebm yang baru diperah...

close up

dalam chiller mama,.ada ebm,.kurma puree,dan bekas tutp kuning tu,serbuk ikan bilis,bekas hijau tu puree kurma..dan stok solid food shareef